вход со старым v6 и новым v8 протоколами
name | version | date | licence | platform | comment | |
mICQ | | 2005-06-05 | GPL v2 | C | line-based | very portable |
Jimm | 0.4.3 | 2005-11-18 | GPL | Java | cell phones | |
GnomeICU | 0.99.5 | 2004-03-28 | GPL | C | Linux (GNOME1/2) | |
Kopete | 0.10.3 | 2005-08-08 | GPL | C | Linux (KDE3) | |
alicq | 0.8.9 | 2004-10-14 | GPL | Tcl/Tk | ||
Miranda | | 2005-06-20 | GPL | C | Win | |
licq | 1.3.2 | 2005-10-21 | GPL | C++ | Linux (Qt) | |
Ayttm | 0.4.6-17 | 2004-06-26 | GPL | C | Linux | |
icyjuice | 1.0d6 | 2004-05-29 | GPL | Obj-C | Mac OS X | |
centericq | 4.21.0 | 2005-02-09 | GPL | C++ | menu-based | |
YSM | 2.9.6 | 2003-10-02 | GPL | C | line-based | |
SIM | 0.9.3 | 2004-??-?? | GPL | C++ | Linux (KDE2/3) | |
ickle | 0.3.2 | 2002-07-21 | GPL | C++ | Linux (GTK+) | discontinued (?) |
KXicq2 | 0.7.6 | 2002-01-04 | GPL | C++ | Linux (KDE2/3) | discontinued |
StrICQ | 2.8.2 | 2002-05-29 | no licence | C++ | AmigaOS (MUI) | disappeared |
vICQ | 0.4.1 | 2002-04-15 | GPL | Perl | line-based | discontinued |
everybuddy | 0.4.3 | 2002-07-11 | GPL | C | Linux | disappeared, see Ayttm |
proteus3 | 3.0.3 | ??? | commercial | C++ | Mac OS X | disappeared |
&RQ | | ??? | no source | Win | discontinued | |
SmartICQ | 1.2 | 2003-01-02 | no source | Win | disappeared | |
Trillian | 3.1 | 2002-09-10 | commercial | Win | incapable of sending type1/4 messages if type-2 fails, broken unicode support | |
imici | 2.2.5 | 2002-09-27 | commercial | Win/Linux/FreeBSD | requires online registration (which doesn't work), cannot register a new ICQ account |
The following clients do not support the v8 protocol: gimbicq, gicq, kicq, cicq, eicq, xicq, gtkicq, zicq, icqnix, nicq, icqsend, icqmail, Net::ICQ, MyCQ.